Apr 2017
“Why?” you may ask (being uber- committed-Jewish- over-achievers).
Because our alumni are searching for powerhouse leaders (like you) to seek alliances, and share best practices with, on the issue that most concerns you (but may be strangely absent from your profile).
Maybe you didn’t even know you have a profile in our database. Best to check out what others are seeing. Click here to login and view your profile. Click here for a short video on how to log-in.
Advanced Search What is WexLABELS?
Our new advanced search tools will help you to find people who not only who have interests in common with you, but whose names, classes, and even program affiliation you don’t know. By filling out the various criteria in WexLABELS you will be able to connect with others who have similar interests, using the same terminology.
Hypothetically, lets say you are on the Board of your local Conservative Jewish Day School and you want to search for other individuals across North America who have been on the boards of their Conservative Day School. Some people enter in their “communal involvements” portion of their profile “Schechter Day School” while others may write “Golda Och Academy” – and so if you use the regular search for “Conservative Day School” by entering it into the search box, you may not get a comprehensive list. That’s where ADVANVCED SEARCH IS BETTER. This new advanced search allows you to connect with ”Wexnerites” you have never met before but happen to hit the sweet spot of your deepest commitments and beliefs.
Using the “Jewish Day School” example, we identify our target group in WexLabels using the drop down categories – beginning with locations (North America or Israel). For this example, we are searching under “North America”.
The second distinguishing group is based on the type of organization we are looking to identify. Are we looking for a local organization (like a Federation or JCC) or a National Organization (like AIPAC or Repair the World) or an Israel Based Organization (like Birthright Israel or JAFI) or an international organization (like American Jewish World Service or JDC)? In this example (a Jewish Day School) we are going to select local organization.
The next section is determined by the type of affiliation the individual has with the organization – are they professionals or volunteers. Once you have identified if you are looking for volunteer or professionals, you then select the specific type of organization (like a Jewish Community Center or a Family Foundation). And you also have the opportunity to select the specific role or position the individual held at the organization.
This is a comprehensive and intelligent search tool. You can add the criteria at any point in your selection process. For example you could search ONLY four of the categories and stop after the type of organization where someone works or volunteers. Additionally, you could add multiple criteria. Please note that when creating more specific searchers, you are more likely to yield fewer results than if you were to perform a more generalized search. Meaning if you are looking for the President of an organization, you will yield fewer results than if you are just looking for professionals of that organization. Click here to see the tool in action.