Apr 2017
A Close Reading of Unetaneh Tokef
36 Minutes LIVE: Elul 5776 just concluded today. We held sessions with four scholars from around the world: the recently knighted Madame Le Rabbin Delphine Horvilleur; Chief Rabbi of Denmark, Rabbi Jair Melchior and two faculty who are already cherished by many in our network — Rabbi Ed Feinstein (CA) and Talmud Scholar and former MK (Knesset Member) Ruth Calderon (Tel Aviv).
Each session is worth watching and the exploration of the Unetaneh Tokef prayer with Rabbi Ed Feinstein is particularly helpful as we head into Yom Kippur. You can view it by clicking on the photo above. Feel free also to savor all of our online learning, which is always available for replay from our website. Please check out our vast and inspiring collection by clicking here.