WGF Alum Shoshana Gelfand (Class 1), senior member of the London-based Pears Foundation team and director of the foundation’s operating program, JHub, has a conversation with Vice President Or Mars about the challenges of opening up.
WHP Alum Daryl Messinger (Palo Alto 00), immediate past chair of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) Board of Trustees and WFF Josh Steinharter (Class 2,) Founder and Executive Director of the JCC Maccabi Sports Camp, will have a conversation about camp moving forward and how to create meaningful and nurturing virtual experiences for campers and their families.
WHP Alum Jeff Rosen (San Francisco 08) is the District Attorney of Santa Clara County in California. Join Jeff in a conversation facilitated by President Rabbi Elka Abrahamson about the challenges and opportunities for growth that COVID-19 has brought to law enforcement and the criminal justice system.