May your Purim be festive and joyous. Please enjoy some hamentashens and this fun little video with dancing hamentashens. Chag Purim Sameach!

What word will help bring light in 5778?

Wexner Fellows, Members and Alumni from around the globe joined together to share a special holiday message. Please enjoy! Chag sameach.

The Wexner Foundation President, Rabbi Elka Abrahamson, worked together with her friend and mentor Rabbi Peter Rubinstein, Director of Jewish Community and Bronfman Center for Jewish Life at the 92nd Street Y, to generate a message of unity across diversity as our country struggles to come together. This beautiful video has already been viewed by 90,000 people. We are proud to share this message with our Wexner family of Members,

Part of The Wexner Foundation’s video learning, Rabbi Delphine Horvilleur lead an interesting session titled “Je Suis Kippur: a Reflection on Jewish Identity After a Year of Terror.”

As Passover approaches this year and your children prepare to ask us four questions on this special night, we are asking you to consider four LEADERSHIP questions – questions which invite you to help shape the Jewish future. Click the following link to access a prinable version of our “Four Leadership Questions”

Part of The Wexner Foundation’s video learning, Dr. Ruth Calderon lead an interesting session titled “What We Can Learn from Rabbi Ishmael Meeting God in the Holy of Holies.”