Part of The Wexner Foundation’s video learning series “36 Minutes Live: The Elul Series,” David Makovsky led an interesting session on “Analyzing the Vote on the Iran Deal: What Now?”.

Part of The Wexner Foundation’s video learning series “36 Minutes Live: The Elul Series,” Rabbi Rachel Cowan led an interesting session on “Al Tashlikhenu l’et Zikna: Connecting Wise Aging with the High Holidays”.

Part of The Wexner Foundation’s video learning Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks lead an interesting session on his upcoming book. This sessions was titled “Not in God’s Name.”

Part of The Wexner Foundation’s video learning Rabbi Sharon Brous lead an interesting session the upcoming chag. Her session was titled “Don’t Tell Me. Show Me. Passover: A Story of Power and Powerlessness”

Part of The Wexner Foundation’s video learning, Rabbi Jair Melchior lead an interesting session titled “Who Desires Life? An Exploration of Vayikra Rabbah and Repentance Through a European Lens.”

Being Present and Becoming Like God: Love, Kindness and the Heart of Judaism with Rabbi Shai Held

The Wexner Field Fellowship Program is an opportunity for promising full-time Jewish communal professionals who are seeking professional development. In partnership with the Jim Joseph Foundation, three Wexner Field Fellows will be accepted as part of incoming classes of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship/Davidson Scholars Program. To apply, visit

All of us at The Wexner Foundation, together with Les and Abigail and their children, wish you a Shana Tova this new year!

In a short video, WGF/DS Alum Aaron Dorfman (Class 14) advises that focusing (and funding) a diverse eco-system of answers will yield more valuable returns.

In a short video, WGF/DS Alum Hindy Poupko (Class 19) discusses the importance of the Jewish community partnering together as “one collective enterprise”.