In a short video, WGF/DS Alum Rabbi Ken Chasen (Class 6) discusses the importance of substantive Jewish content by “Combating Jewish Cultural Consumerism.”
Jan 2015
In a short video, WGF/DS Alum Cantor Vicky Glikin (Class 20) discusses the importance of asking “why.”
Jan 2015
Wexner Members, Fellows, and Alumni met virtually to learn, discuss and refresh their leadership toolbox with Dr. Erica Brown. In light of the recent charges against Rabbi Freundel in Washington DC, and knowing none of our communities are immune from going through comparable ordeals, Dr. Erica Brown shared thoughts and took questions on how, as leaders, we might respond to deeply challenging/troubling events whenever they occur inside the Jewish community.
The Wexner Foundation has launched a new way for our alumni, members, and fellows to meet, learn, discuss, and refresh their leadership toolbox. This video features a recent on-line learning session with author Matti Friedman and the topic of the conversation was Israel, Gaza and the Media Malfunction.
The Wexner Foundation offers a way for our alumni, members, and fellows to meet, learn, discuss, and refresh their leadership toolbox. Our online series, “36 Minutes LIVE”, consist of stand-alone videoconferences, geared to themes of the season. Select faculty led sessions at various times of day so that our alumni, fellows, and members, from Israel to California and beyond, can come together and learn. This session features Jewish scholar and
The Wexner Foundation offers a way for our alumni, members and fellows to meet, learn, discuss and refresh their leadership toolbox. Our online series, “36 Minutes LIVE”, consists of stand-alone videoconferences, geared to themes of the season. Select faculty have led sessions at various times of day so that our alumni, fellows and members, from Israel to California and beyond, can come together and learn. This session features Rabbi David
Jan 2015
The Wexner Foundation offers a way for our alumni, members and fellows to meet, learn, discuss and refresh their leadership toolbox. Our online series, “36 Minutes LIVE”, consists of stand-alone videoconferences, geared to themes of the season. Select faculty have led sessions at various times of day so that our alumni, fellows and members, from Israel to California and beyond, can come together and learn. This session features Jewish scholar
Jan 2015
The Wexner Foundation offers a way for our alumni, members, and fellows to meet, learn, discuss, and refresh their leadership toolbox. Our online series, “36 Minutes LIVE”, consist of stand-alone videoconferences, geared to themes of the season. Select faculty led sessions at various times of day so that our alumni, fellows, and members, from Israel to California and beyond, can come together and learn. This session features Jewish scholar and
Jan 2015
Part of The Wexner Foundation’s video learning series “36 Minutes Live: The Elul Series” Rabbi Ysoscher Katz lead an interesting session on “Rabbinic and Chassidic Attitudes Towards Sin.”
Part of The Wexner Foundation’s video learning series “36 Minutes Live: The Elul Series,” Rivkah Slonim leads an interesting session on “Binyan Hamalchut: the Paradox of Mortal Beings Coronating God.”