Happy Purim from The Wexner Foundation

At our recent retreat, a group of us took a break to make this playful video card. We bravely share it with our Wexner community! A special thank you to Julie Silver for creating the wonderful soundtrack for the video!

All of us at The Wexner Foundation, together with Les and Abigail and their children wish you a shana tova - she t’heeyeh shnat d-vash, a year as sweet as honey.

In a short video, Rabbi Samuels says that what Jewish professional leaders need from volunteer leaders is thought partnership, guidance on strategic vision, and to share together a sense of idealism about the Jewish future.

In this brief video, Roger Schwarz discusses essential Jewish leadership values that all leaders should master to be an effective, efficient leader.

In a short video, WGF/DS Alum Rabbi Jennie Rosenn (Class 4) discusses what she believes is required from authentic Jewish leadership.

The Wexner Foundation is proud to present Ruth Calderon as part of the "36 Minutes LIVE - The Elul Series" which was recorded August 28, 2014.

The new online series, "36 Minutes LIVE: The Elul Series", consist of 6 stand-alone videoconferences during the month of Elul, geared to themes of the season. This session features the founder of Hazon, Nigel Savage.

The Wexner Foundation has launched a new way for our alumni, members, and fellows to meet, learn, discuss, and refresh their leadership toolbox. The new online series, "36 Minutes LIVE: The Elul Series", consist of 6 stand-alone videoconferences during the month of Elul, geared to themes of the season. Select faculty led sessions at various times of day so that our alumni, fellows, and members, from Israel to California and

The Wexner Foundation has launched a new way for our alumni, members, and fellows to meet, learn, discuss, and refresh their leadership toolbox. The new online series, "36 Minutes LIVE: The Elul Series", consist of 6 stand-alone videoconferences during the month of Elul, geared to themes of the season. Select faculty led sessions at various times of day so that our alumni, fellows, and members, from Israel to California and