Join Rabbi Shira Stutman as she reveals what we learn about the Jewish concept of time and self from the Omer.  

Join Amanda Pogany as she talks about how she learned about making versus taking space for yourself as a leader and as a team member from her Jewish identity.  

Join David Strulowitz as he illuminates the Kabbalistic connections between Passover, the Omer, and Shavuot.  

Join Michal Shalem as she talks about her father’s story of survival and how it inspires her today.  

Join Yotam Dagan as he discusses his personal connection to Yom HaZikaron.   We are honored to record here the names you shared of those who have fallen in the line of duty protecting Israel. Eli Agassi, z”l Mark Schwartz, z”l Yoram Parag, z”l

Join Larry Moses as he discusses his mother’s survival of the Shoah.   We are honored to record here the names you shared of those who perished in the Holocaust, as remembered by their descendants and all of Bnei Yisrael. The Laster Family, z”l Hans Katz, z”l Alter Groner, z”l Kalman and Pinchas Friedman, z”l Esther Migdal, z”l Liba Shneyer, z”l Alice Rosenberg, z”l Members of the Malek family, z”l

Join Dan Held (WGF/DS) as he discusses Jane Jacobs and Dark Ages!

See source sheet here!

See source sheet here!

See source sheet here!