As far as I know, no one has studied this systematically, but over the last 15 years or so I’ve been asking American and Canadian adults and children (separately) to tell me what they’d say the opposite of play is.
“23/7? I really have to lay face down on a massage table 55 minutes out of every hour, all day and night?” These are the questions I was asking my surgeon the day before he performed emergency surgery on my right eye.
And while everything inside me wanted to say, “I don’t have time for that.” I decided to say, “Why not? Let’s go play.”
Feb 2021
WGF/DS Alum Rabbi Tali Zelkowicz (Class 15)
This decision tree for educational planning cycles is a multi-level, interactive view of the three major approaches to curriculum design.
Research shows that games include essential learning processes that can increase students’ engagement and motivation and make them truly fall in love with educational-related learning.
Jan 2021
Jewish professionals will receive professional development and education in leadership and Judaic studies over the course of three years
Jan 2021
WIF Alum Yoav Zuckerman (Class 16)
Last April, we experienced the first COVID-19 lockdown. We were trying to make sense of the events that were unfolding across the globe and to assess the immediate impact on our organizational and personal lives.
I am a certified divorce coach, something I never announce without also adding in the same breath and almost as if one word, “- which-does-not-mean-I-promote-divorce.”
Wexner Alumni are invited to participate in a new study of leaders in Jewish life today.
For many years, The Wexner Foundation addressed this problem, which may be referred to as the knowing-doing gap, through Alumni programs offering a combination of Harvard refresher courses and Alumni-led case studies and peer-learning opportunities.