The Latest From The Foundation

Dispatches from the network and updates from the Foundation.

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Difficult Conversations

On Monday, October 9th, Rabbi B. Elka Abrahamson, President, sent out a letter to our network with words of deep empathy and support, and a promise to follow up with resources for our North American “family”, including talking points and where to donate. There are many such lists now available, and we have compiled some of the most helpful in one place to help you continue to lead in your

Intergenerational communication is about connecting; about ongoing intentional conversations that build and strengthen the relationship.

If we do things right, each generation will be wistful about the opportunities and resources of those who come after them, and each will feel luckier and more blessed than those who came before them.

Jews that are cast as being on the margins often have the most to offer to the Jewish community, but may choose to contribute their gifts to communities associated with other parts of their identity. This is a loss for us all.