The Latest From The Foundation

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Apr 2017


After seeing and celebrating the tremendous excitement generated by having so many of our alumni together in one place for the 30th Anniversary in Columbus, we are making a big push to empower you to keep that magic going. You may have heard President Elka Abrahamson’s one “ask” of you, delivered at our closing session (available on video under our resources section): “If you want to thank us, update your profiles.”

“The Rise and Fall of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt” with Dr. Eric Trager The conference call will include a current events analysis from Eric followed by an opportunity for questions and answers.   12pm EST on Wednesday, September 11th Number:  1-626-677-3000 Participant Access Code: 8903540 Eric is an alum of the Bronfman Youth Fellowship in Israel (BYFI) and they have invited Wexner alumni to this private conversation. Kindly RSVP to

Dr Tina Seelig, from the Stanford Design School, taught Wexner Heritage and Graduate Fellowship Alumni about creativity at the San Francisco Regional Networking Day 
At the open space brain storm session during the San Francisco alumni gathering, I led a spontaneous discussion for whomever wanted to come talk. 20 alumni were encouraged to come up to an open mike and declare to the packed house what issue most impassioned them.

At the Crossroads of Negotiations and Crises: Iran and the Palestinians An Exclusive Conference Call for our Constituents May 14, 2014 10am to 11am EDT, 17:00 – 18:00 Israel time   Major-General (Res.) Amos Yadlin, who heads Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies and is an alum of the Wexner Israel Fellowship Program (Class 5) will speak on a conference call open to the WexNetwork. He’ll discuss two of the