Dispatches from the network and updates from the Foundation.
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It is not often the case, but sometimes islands of hope coalesce to form a continent, solid enough to be marched upon. These were my thoughts on Friday morning on December 5th, as I watched masses of wonderful Arab and Jewish parents, children and staff of the Israeli bilingual schools, streaming into the Jerusalem junction that was our meeting place for a peaceful march of solidarity, following an arson attack
Jan 2015
The UN Commission of Inquiry on Gaza is currently soliciting testimony, from “a wide range of victims of alleged violations“— which ostensibly also includes Israelis — in the context of the Gaza hostilities. The Palestinian Center for Human Rights has done much to publicize this call for information gathering amongst Gazans, while most Israelis aren’t aware of it and therefore, the evidence gathered will only tell the Palestinian side of
(Pictured) Amitai Bardach-Goldstein in his Hand-in-hand Bi-lingual Jewish-Arab school t-shirt. Amitai is cute. He is cuddly. He is sweet – with a smile that can melt your soul. He just turned six on November 8th. He lives in Jerusalem. He is a first grader. Learning to read. Learning to write. Learning that life is complicated. I am Amitai’s father. I am responsible for his well-being. I am responsible for his
Nov 2014
Aliyah was a dream that my wife and I had, sometimes talking about it as a dream for the distant future. As we became parents to four children, we looked around and considered the best place to raise them. We visited Israel on a pilot trip last January to see if we should move there. We were especially drawn to Israel because of the love that Israelis showed to our
Oct 2014
I was brought up in Haifa, Israel, a symbol city of Jewish-Arab co-existence. During all my adolescent life I used to meet with Palestinians, either on personal occasions or within my military capacity. In late September 1996, I was leading the Israeli team of the Regional Security Committee (RSC) in the West Bank. After almost a year of mutual efforts to implement the security annex of the Peace accord, a
Aug 2014
Tisha B’Av, the day in the calendar that commemorates the evil that has been done to the Jewish people over time (most especially the destruction of the two Temples in Jerusalem) is nearly upon us. Each of us responds differently to the day. Many Jews will use Tisha B’Av as an occasion to revisit the traditional narrative of Jew as victim. Given the Jewish people’s long history of persecution that
Jul 2014
As of today, we have 59 of our sons killed in this war. As of today, we all hear sirens and look to the sky to see the magic of the Iron Dome protecting us. As of today, ten minutes later, we simply continue with our everyday life as if it was almost normal. As of today, in my pediatric hospital, when the alarm signals, parents with their ill children
Jul 2014
Translated from Yotam’s article that appeared July 21 in Maariv. These are tough days. As the fighting lingers on, after weeks in which we have experienced mostly substantial operational success and very impressive resilience among the Israeli population, we are now entering a new hard and painful phase in which vague information and rumors turn into actual bad news: “our soldiers are fighting in a determined and heroic way”… ”there
Jul 2014
I was a young department director at ALYN Hospital Pediatric Rehabilitation Center a decade ago when I first learned of the concept of “cultural sensitivity in health.” We can take better care of our patients, I learned, if we understood better their cultural concepts of sickness and healing, their faith and their folklore. Together with the Jerusalem Inter-Cultural Center we developed a curriculum which helped us make ALYN more geared
Jul 2014
(Pictured) The Solidarity Rally in Boston Courtesy of Joel Rich. This past Thursday night, the seven new members of the Wexner Israel Fellowship, Class 26, attended a 1,000 person-strong rally in a Boston area synagogue, where the community and various dignitaries expressed support and solidarity for Israel. Here are some of the fellow’s reactions to that evening: “For me, as a senior officer in the IDF, this kind of warm,