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Beneath the massive stone of the southwestern wall of what remains of the Second Temple, Rabbi Elka Abrahamson granted us permission to invite others into our personal prayer space by way of our imagination.  I was joined by my late grandmother — for if I had found pleasure here, she would be rejoicing, and she never had the opportunity to delight in this magnificent country.  I felt her presence.   Lost

  The WIF alumni band led by Tsachi Mushkin (Class14). From left to right:  Chava Erlich-Roginsky (Class 10), Eleanor Amid-Zabar (Class 10), Sharon Offer and Itamar Offer (Class 12). The annual Wexner Israel Fellowship Alumni (WIFA) Institute ended a few Fridays back (July 10th). I had the honor of chairing the ​Alumni Institute planning committee, and during those three days some two hundred WIFA and their partners were introduced to success

Israeli President Shimon Peres met with the graduating Wexner Heritage Members at their Israel Institute last week. “Hear the whisper from the angel that compels you to grow.” Rabbi Elka Abrahamson, who helped lead our visit to Israel, and whose leadership and humanity I admire and adore, offered the advice above before we set out to explore this country.  I took the advice, “to hear the whisper from the angel

The Wexner Heritage Israel Institute, entitles “Israel: Complications and Inspirations”, is off to an amazing start. Here are a few impressions from our first few days. Feel free to add your own posts below.   From ISIS fighting and a drone landing next to us on the Syrian border today, to the brewery in the West Bank yesterday, this has been one crazy whirlwind. Danny Kates New England 14   Today,

The 30th Anniversary of The Wexner Foundation made me reflect a bit on my days since I was a member of Class 7 of the Israel Fellowship. We were asked to fill out “Wexeffects” as part of our registration, and “not to be afraid of bragging.” So, here are some thoughts: Some years ago, I was asked: “What is your vision as the CEO of the New Israel Fund in

This article is reprinted with permission from The Jewish Week. It is in vogue to say that liberal Zionism is in crisis. Last summer’s war in Gaza provoked a spate of essays purporting that the confrontation between liberal values and the policies of a hawkish Israel were making the ideology untenable. In this portrayal, liberal Zionism was a precarious political ideology that entailed support for the State of Israel while

As a fighter pilot who flew 35 years to protect the State of Israel from an external threat, I realized after my retirement that our internal lack of unity was an even bigger threat. For the last three years I’ve dedicated most of my time (voluntarily) to the mission of creating unity among the different factions in the Israeli society. Everyone in Israel knows that we have a big problem

We asked our members, fellows, and alumni from all over the world to weigh in on the Israeli elections. Please feel free to add your responses and best visions for the future below. Mike Blass, WIFA (Class 14), Israel Now that the election campaign is over, and we know who will be the Prime Minister, it is a time to remind the new government that it will be the government

“Ladies and Gentlemen, the Prime Minister of Israel” and thunderous applause erupted.  And thus Bibi Netanyahu entered the chamber of Congress directly beneath my gaze. It was a spine-tingling, tear-inducing moment for many of us in the gallery. Not because we were ardent Bibi supporters, kvelling over his reception. Goodness no.  And yes, we chose to be present, unaffected by the regrettable Speechgate kafuffle which attended his visit.  The pomp

Pictured: “a selfie we took while campaigning in the Machne Yehuda Market last week” Campaigning is a roller-coaster, with days of good momentum and days of crisis…I am happy to be a part of the Kachlon Kulanu team as I believe in Moshe Kachlon and think he is an honest and brave politician who sees people and their needs. It is not easy gaining trust of people for a new