Dispatches from the network and updates from the Foundation.
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The truth is, I know that I probably would not have applied had the pandemic not happened, and so I am grateful for this silver lining in the cloudy COVID-19 days. This forced change that we all endured inspired to me to listen to my heart and consider what change and impact I wanted to make in the Jewish world.
May 2022
WHP Alum Gordon Hecker (Columbus 00)
One of the toughest decisions that we will all need to make at different points in our careers is to know when to declare victory and move on. When is the right time to go?
When I embarked on my transition, I was looking forward to reaching my next destination. Six years later, I have realized that there is a deep value in holding on to the experience of transition itself. With the discomfort of transition comes a unique brand of wisdom and perspective.
Mar 2022
Dr. Erica Brown
More than any task, our students brought cheer – they sang and danced wherever they went. A leader of the community whispered to me on the last day of the trip: “I really doubted there was anything for you to do here, but now I realize that what you all brought here was psychological CPR.”
I am hoping that perhaps with a day of communal fasting followed by a raucous celebration of Purim and the world turned upside down we will balance ourselves out again. And have renewed strength to do the work required to make what we know is possible real.
It can be comforting to hear that what we feel is timeless, a universal and inevitable aspect of the human experience. Sometimes, a quiet moment with a line of ancient poetry or prayer can be just the salve.
I watched him change daily. As he became physically weaker, he also became luminous, glowing, and the fullest, truest, most beautiful version of himself. It was a sacred privilege to accompany him on this journey. With clarity, consistency, and honesty, we shared miraculous moments and found beauty in unexpected places.
Jun 2020
WSC Alum Tal Mars (2018)