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Rabbi Dara Frimmer, an alumnus of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship Program, is Assistant Rabbi at Temple Isaiah in Los Angeles. Outside of work, she can be found hiking in the Santa Monica Mountains or shopping at the local farmer’s market. Last week, she played tennis with Rabbi Ahud Sela, continuing a match started during a Wexner institute. She can be reached at Adonai said to Avram, “Go forth from

During the Yizkor service on Yom Kippur, it is the custom in our congregation that as the name of each person who died during the previous year is read, their loved ones stand to indicate their status as mourners* to the rest of the congregation. This part of the service takes several minutes. If you must stand though, it feels like an eternity until the rest of the congregation rises

Dr. Eitan Homa, a San Francisco Wexner Heritage alumnus, enjoys shaking foundations of thought. He may be reached at It’s July 2007. If you want a great traditional dvar torah? Google Matot-Masei. Want something a little different. Keep reading. So, do you keep kosher? Oh, only in the home and on Passover you say. Why are we as a people so schizoid about this week’s parsha commandment of keeping

The Wexner Foundation Electronic Beit Midrash Parashat Pinchas Sefer Bamidbar: The Clash of Vision and Reality By Rabbi Fred Klein Fred Klein is an alumnus of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship Program, Class VI. He is the Director of Community Chaplaincy at the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, and the Executive Vice President of the Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami. He can be reached at For millennia, philosophers have imagined what