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Social Justice/Tikkun Olam

I applied to the Wexner Service Corps in 2015 after hearing positive feedback from friends who had participated in the program previously. I was entering my junior year of high school, and I had never been on a service trip, let alone one with a focus on Jewish service. I spent two summers at Jewish camp during middle school, but, aside from religious school, that was the extent of my

 Apply now to be a Jewish Organizing Fellow! Early application deadline: January 25 Regular Application Deadline: March 1   JOIN for Justice’s Jewish Organizing Fellowship is recruiting for our year-long, paid community organizing training program in Boston. The Fellowship trains Jewish young adults (ages 21-30) to organize communities to effectively fight against structural injustice and inequality. If not already employed, Fellows apply for pre-approved full-time paid jobs as community organizers.    We seek

This is the patrol car of Sgt. Michael Smith who was laid to rest today.  He was stationed at the North Central Command Station, which provides service to the vast majority of Jewish institutions in Dallas.  Although you can’t see it, there are notes, drawings and messages from many Jewish organizations — day camps, congregations and community members.  There is even an Israeli flag with a note attached declaring that

Designed to inspire and unite Jewish teens in the Columbus area to engage in service learning, the Wexner Service Corps selects rising 10th and 11th grade students to participate in the Wexner Service Corps (WSC), beginning with a 5-day service trip, followed by year-round service in Columbus.   I was lucky enough to travel again with the Wexner Service Corps to Philadelphia with a group of 40 other Jewish Columbus

Everything changed in one day. On September 2nd Americans woke up to see a photograph of Aylan Kurdi, a small boy whose body washed up on the Turkish beach after his family tried to reach safety by boat.  For many, this picture broke open our hearts to a crisis that had been underway for years.  As Jews, we were further awakened by the images and stories that immediately followed of

Nov 2015

Choisir La Vie

As the world mourns the loss of innocent life in Paris, I, like many, struggle to confront my feelings; Paris, Jerusalem, New York City and so many places around the world, have witnessed a common evil that must be confronted by a unified civil world. As we all declare our solidarity, sympathy and empathy with Paris and her citizens, we must question what it really means to do so. Yes,

During my trip to Israel with the Wexner Heritage Program in 2013, I extended my travels so I could attend the LGBT March in Jerusalem. I was moved to see the diversity of that event. Religious, secular and transgender people marching under a sea of rainbow flags, hand-in-hand, through the ancient city of faith. It was a beautiful experience. I felt safe with the security surrounding us despite knowing that

JOIN For Justice has posted two new jobs for a Director of Development and a Program Coordinator.  The job descriptions are available at this link:  

JOIN for Justice is delighted to invite Jewish communities across the country to join us in the launch of our groundbreaking Online Institute, a virtual space where Jews across the country can learn organizing through various online opportunities. In the fall of 2015, the Online Institute will offer its first online course, Don’t Kvetch, Organize! A Master Class, aimed particularly at volunteer leaders who are inspired by their Jewish identity to have a real and meaningful

The Wexner Service Corps (WSC) is a program designed to inspire and unite Columbus-area Jewish teens to engage in service learning.  The WSC is open to high school juniors and seniors to participate in a week-long service trip followed by a year of monthly volunteering and Jewish learning.  A select group of Corps members can return for a second year to join the Senior Leadership Cohort (SLC).  The WSC launched