The Latest From The Foundation

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Social Justice/Tikkun Olam

This week, Jewish World Watch (JWW) – an organization that I co-founded with Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis, z”l,  just over a decade ago – brought together more than 3,500 people in Los Angeles for our Walk to End Genocide. It was incredible to look out from the stage and see so many faces of all backgrounds and faiths (many of whom are Wexner alums!) – united around the idea that

When the email came from my Wexner cohort member and friend Bryan Kort (Phoenix 09) about a gathering, I immediately placed the date on my calendar. Like many of you, I’m on too many boards to name and I’m overextended and burnt out and trying to juggle Jewish leadership with Jewish motherhood and family life. I am so caught up in the mundane (securing one last item for the shul

“Good news and bad news. The good news is that The Purim Superhero is officially a PJ Library book. The bad news is that PJ Library is not distributing the book as it does with ALL other PJ books. This second class status is tremendously disappointing to me. This isn’t the full inclusion and equality that Keshet and its supporters work towards. Let’s hope that PJ will realize that this

Pictured: Wexner NY I “kids” Sara Waxman (daughter of Spencer and Bettina Waxman); Ben Gargano (son of Laura Spitzer and Michael Gargano); and Benjamin Perla (son of Danny and Valerie Perla); at the JDC/Lauder Camp Szarvas, outside of Budapest, Hungary. Camp Szarvas, founded in 1990, offers a unique international experience for 1500 youth each summer, including 75 U.S. Fellows, with campers hailing from over 25 countries. Szarvas, central to Jewish

As part of Women’s Philanthropy from the Miami Jewish Federation Outreach project, this past Thursday more than 100 women got together to assemble 600 Deluxe Toiletries Kits that will be distributed to our Seniors and Holocaust Survivors in Miami.  This was a month long effort and presented quite a challenge as we needed to collect over 5400 items. We partnered with JCS (Jewish Community Services) who highlighted this need in

When the Chronicle of Philanthropy reports that 11 more wealthy individuals and families have signed on to the Giving Pledge, I am moved. Not simply because I have dedicated my professional career to the pursuit of philanthropy and making the world a better place. Or because many of those who have pledged to give away at least half of their wealth to charity – inspired by Bill and Melinda Gates’

Jodi is an Atlanta 05 Wexner Heritage alumna.  She is an urban planner who works at Jamestown Development and Construction on new urbanist development projects. She connects her volunteers and values through direct service work in the community and by serving on the boards of Limmud Atlanta+SE and Repair the World.  Jodi can be reached at I’d venture to say that for most participants in a Wexner program, engaging

Daniel is an alumnus of the NY Wexner Heritage Program and is a program officer in day school finance at the AVI CHAI Foundation. In this role, Dan oversees ongoing grant programs geared toward improving the financial viability of day schools. Dan can be reached at If you ask a large group of parents whose children attend a Jewish day school to name the most pressing school issue on

Tara is a Wexner Heritage Westchester 07 alumna and is the founder of Marketing Matters, Ltd., a N.Y. based marketing consulting firm specializing in non-profits.  Tara also serves as a parent advisor to J-Teen Leadership, a teen-led community service and leadership organization.  J-Teen Leadership was founded by Amanda Bilski and her mom, Tracey Bilski, a Wexner Heritage alumna from NY.  Tara can be reached at Can you imagine leaving