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Apr 2008
Ellen Kagen Waghelstein, an alumna of the Wexner Heritage Program from Washington, DC, is the founding president of Partnership for Jewish Life and Learning, former chair of UJC National Young Leadership Cabinet and of Panim, and on the faculty of Georgetown University. She can be reached at ebwags@aol.com. I recently found myself flying out to Portland, Oregon where I was to be part of a meeting hosted by a Native
David Arnow, a Wexner Heritage alum from New York, recently co-edited My People’s Passover Haggadah (Jewish Lights, 2008) with Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman. He is the author of Creating Lively Passover Seders: A Sourcebook of Engaging Tales, Texts & Activities (Jewish Lights, 2004). He can be reached at darnow@aol.com The notion that an “authentic” Passover Seder does not necessarily require a precise recitation of an unchanging text year after year
Apr 2008
Asher Lopatin, an alumnus of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship, is the rabbi of Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel Congregation. He has rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Ahron Soloveichik and from Yeshiva University and was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army with the rank of Second Lieutenant after serving over two years in the Army reserves. He can be reached at rabbi@asbi.org. My wife Rachel always laughs when I complain about my six-week
Mar 2008
Or Mars is an alumnus and Director of the Graduate Fellowship Program. He can be reached at omars@wexner.net. The first word of this week’s parasha, Vayikra, asks from us to explore a different mode of interpreting Torah. It is a mode that taps into our aesthetic appreciation before we are allowed to delve into our intellectual capacity. The opening line begins, “Vayikra el Moshe vayidaber Adonai eilav.” (God called to
Penina Grossberg, an alumna of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship Program, lives in Teaneck, NJ and mentors new teachers. She can be reached at peninag@optonline.net As we enter the month of Adar II some of us may be preparing masks and costumes in anticipation of Purim. Even though Purim is a masquerade holiday, it also has a message about unmasking ourselves. The same is true of this week’s Torah readings. While
Rabbi Seth Goren, an alumnus of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship Program, is a project consultant with Hillel’s Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Learning in Washington, DC. He can be reached at swgoren@gmail.com. In at least one regard, Aaron had it easy: he knew exactly what to wear to work every day. The details of Aaron’s wardrobe were very specific: a breastpiece, an ephod, a robe, a fringed tunic, a headdress, and
Feb 2008
Barbara Lerner Spectre is the Founding Director of Paideia, The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden. She was formerly on the faculty of the Hartman Institute of Advanced Jewish Studies in Jerusalem and is the author of “A Theology of Doubt” (Hebrew) and, together with Noam Zion, the two-volume “A Different Light: The Hannukah Book of Celebration.” In 2007, she received the Max M. Fisher Prize for Jewish Education
Shira Reifman, an alumna of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship Program, is the Director of Operations for Lamdeni Educational Services, an organization dedicated to helping North American olim integrate into the Israeli educational system, and a fund raising consultant to several non-profit organizations. She lives in Yad Binyamin with her husband and four daughters. She can be reached at shirareifman@gmail.com. Parashat Mishpatim opens with the laws of the Eved Ivri, a
Mark Charendoff is the President of The Jewish Funders Network, an international organization dedicated to advancing the quality and growth of philanthropy rooted in Jewish values. JFN’s members include independent philanthropists, foundation trustees and foundation professionals. JFN is not a grant-making institution, but seeks instead to provide funders with the means to enhance their intellectual capital, energize their giving, and form powerful new collaborations. www.jfunders.org. Mark can be reached at
Jan 2008
Harry Nelson, a Wexner Heritage alumnus from Los Angeles, is an attorney specializing in healthcare law. He co-chaired the strategic planning team for LimmudLA (www.limmudla.org), which is taking place February 15-18, 2008 in Costa Mesa, California. He can be reached at harrynelsonltd@hotmail.com. Parshat Beshalach explodes with the disquietude of Israel. Elation over leaving Egypt dissipates in the face of the terror of Pharaoh’s pursuing army. Moses, the people ask, why