The Latest From The Foundation

Dispatches from the network and updates from the Foundation.

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How’s your happiness? There is a well-known expression in the Talmud applicable at this time of year: “When the month of Adar enters, we increase in joy.”  During the Hebrew month of Av, the Talmud continues, when we mark the destruction of Jerusalem and the loss of our holiest sanctuary, we are supposed to reduce our happiness (BT Ta’anit 29a), what I call a halakhic (legal) seasonal affective disorder.  It

View the complete remarks of President Obama along with those of WGF alum Rachel Isaacs (Class 19) , during the evening Hanukah party. Rabbi Isaacs starts at about the 9 minute mark. To see a transcript of Rachel’s benediction, check out her own blog Jewish Waterville, by clicking here.      View the complete remarks of President Obama along with those of WGF alum Steven Exler (Class 17) , during the

Even in times of change and uncertainty there is always room for gratitude.  Last week more than 100 Wexner alumni came together for a video call of healing following the negativity and divisiveness of the 2016 U.S. election.  As we near the end of this difficult year, we look to the coming days where we will join with friends and family to celebrate Thanksgiving. As with many Jewish holidays, Thanksgiving

Here is a shot of our downstairs Sukkah and our upstairs Sukkah…Chag Somayach everyone. WHP alum Cheston Mizel (Los Angeles ’09)    Our Sukkah is a place for hanging out with friends and neighbors, eating a meal, reading good books and, of course, some yoga and meditation.  WHP alum Edie Raphael (Baltimore ’10)    Waking up from the annual Sukkah Sleepover. WGF alum Ken Richmond (Class 13)     This

36 Minutes LIVE: Elul 5776 just concluded today.  We held sessions with four scholars from around the world: the recently knighted Madame Le Rabbin Delphine Horvilleur, Chief Rabbi of Denmark, Rabbi Jair Melchior and two faculty who are already cherished by many in our network — Rabbi Ed Feinstein (CA) and Talmud Scholar and former MK (Knesset Member) Ruth Calderon (Tel Aviv).  Each session is worth watching and the exploration

Here is a melody I composed for the piyut (liturgical poem) “Ya’aleh” which is chanted/prayed on Yom Kippur after Kol Nidre/ma’ariv — it’s based on the alphabet in reverse.  Please email me if you’d like the sheet music and lyrics.  Click here to listen. Shir Yaakov Feit, WGF Fellow (Class 28) is a singer, composer, designer, producer, teacher and dad.  He engages Jewish, multi-faith and non-affiliated people around the world, building spiritual

Getting divorced is not getting the get (divorce certificate), but it’s taking yourself and your surroundings on a magnificent journey, from anger and despair to better self-knowledge, to healing and forgiveness.  This journey gives you a unique window into yourself, your kids, family, friends, love, past and future expectations, dreams and hopes. The divorce journey starts with the history of marriage.  Here’s a quick look: until the 18th century most

Aug 2016

Love is Love

For me, Tu B’Av is not simply a Jewish version of Valentine’s Day.   While it is celebrated as a day of romantic love, the days surrounding Tu B’Av send a deeper message.  More than three weeks ago, as we began our period of mourning, Jeremiah (2:2) reminded us that God thinks of us as God’s young bride.  On the Shabbat following Tisha B’Av and Tu B’Av, Parshat Va’Etchanan brings

We asked several from our network to comment on whether they were observing Tisha b’Av and, if so, how and why.  The following are excerpts from their thoughtful answers.  The longer versions are available here.  Sue Fendrick, WGF Alum (Class 2) — Newton, MA  I’ve always found it funny when people have said they no longer see the purpose of mourning on Tisha B’Av, arguing that the Jewish diaspora is now entirely a

Sue Fendrick, WGF Alum (Class 2) — Newton, MA  I’ve always found it funny when people have said they no longer see the purpose of mourning on Tisha B’Av, arguing that the Jewish diaspora is now entirely a voluntary one and not the result of tragedy or lack of power; and even that the destruction of the ancient Temple and the end of the sacrificial cult was the best thing