Dispatches from the network and updates from the Foundation.
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Aug 2017
The Wexner Field Fellowship pre-application is now open for up to 15 exceptional professionals, who will be selected for a three-year program with a cohort of lifelong professional learners that is focused on enriching their ability to exercise leadership as Jewish professionals. Wexner Field Fellows are matched one-on-one with a coach, as well as a Jewish educator to expand their leadership skills and Jewish knowledge respectively based on their individual
May 2017
The Wexner Foundation is proud to announce the members of Class 30 of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship/Davidson Scholars Program. As these exceptional professionals pursue graduate training for careers in Jewish Education, Jewish Professional Leadership, Jewish Studies and the Rabbinate, they will participate in a prestigious four-year professional development program comprised of leadership training, cohort-based learning, peer support, professional mentoring and networking. They join a network of Jewish leadership excellence
Apr 2017
Celebrating the WSC Work There is a lot to celebrate and a lot to be proud of after an amazing week for the kickoff adventure of the Wexner Service Corps. Here is a brief snapshot of some of what was accomplished: Just a short time after arriving in New York, we joined forces with local Jewish teens, to remove sand from a community garden at Coney Island. In four
The Wexner Foundation is proud to announce the selection of Class 26 of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship/Davidson Scholars Program. Several hundred future and current Jewish professionals applied to be part of this prestigious Fellowship and leadership learning opportunity. Twenty-two were selected. Fellows are selected as part of professional career areas including those going to graduate school to become the rabbis, cantors, Jewish educators, Jewish studies professors, and Jewish professional leaders.
On Sunday, The Wexner Foundation showcased a glimpse of our future by doing a soft launch of the new WexnerFoundation.org. In the good old days, a business would hang out a shingle; as the internet became widely used, organizations hung out their 2.0 “shingles” online. Today, we are in the process of launching much more than a virtual address; it is a comprehensive, wiki-style leadership tool. Since seven is a
This week, Wexner Graduate Fellowship Alum (WGFA) Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz (Class 19) published a thought piece entitled The Jewish Service Revolution in The Huffington Post. Shmuly attests to great gains in the orthodox and non-orthodox communities’ commitment to social justice work in the wider world, and chesed work within the Jewish community. The new Wexner Service Corps, Uri L’tzedek, and Repair the World are among the organizations highlighted. Rabbi
Apr 2017
With thanks to The Forward, we share this video of Wexner Graduate Fellowship Alum, Rabbi Yossi Abramowitz, Class 3, his wife, Rabbi Susan Silverman, and his five children davenning with Women of the Wall. Click here to watch the video.
Apr 2017
Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi (Class 3) delivers her “WEXtalk” at the Wexner Graduate Fellowship Institute in Princeton, NJ. In February, at the 2013 Wexner Graduate Fellowship (WGF) Alumni Institute in Princeton, NJ, several WGF Alumni delivered “WEXtalks” — short talks filmed in partnership with JDOV, which invites interesting and creative thinkers to give “the Jewish talk of their life.” The Alumni Institute planning committee organized these talks around four themes: Jewish