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Wexner Israel Fellowship

 קרן וקסנר מתכבדת להזמינכם לארוע קבלת הפנים של כיתה 28   הארוע יתקיים במכון ון ליר בירושלים רח’ ז’בוטינסקי 43, ירושלים בבניין האקדמיה על שם פולנסקי יום ב’, כ”ט באייר תשע”ו, ה-6 ביוני 2016 בין השעות 17:00-19:00.    תכנית הערב: קבלת פנים  דברי ברכה- יו”ר הועדה המייעצת של קרן וקסנר, אלוף במיל’ עידו נחושתן הצגת כיתה 28- מנכ”ל הקרן בישראל, רענן אביטל דברי ברכה ליוצאים להרווארד- גיל אבריאל (כיתה 26)

Class 29 of the Wexner Israel Fellowship was recently selected.  The new cohort of eight highly talented and dedicated public servants will be meeting in Israel in June before beginning their year-long program in Summer 2017, at the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard University’s Kennedy School.  We are proud to present Class 29 and wish them success in their work, studies and leadership growth! Amit Becher Israel Securities Authority

Meetings Highlights: Jeff Holland – Congressional Budget Office Rudy deLeon – Center for American Progress Ambassador Dennis Ross – The Washington Institute for Near East Policy Bill Parsons – U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

In addition to a reception sponsored by The Wexner Foundation followed by the Harvard graduation ceremony planned for next week, Class 24 of the Wexner Israel Fellowship savored an end of the year brunch at the Wexners’ home in Columbus, Ohio last Friday.  Each fellow had the opportunity to reflect on their year at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, the impact of their studies and the year in Boston, and

Last week, The Wexner Foundation held a day of activities at the Knesset to welcome the seven new Wexner Israel Fellows who will begin their studies this fall in Cambridge, MA at Harvard’s Kennedy School (HKS).  Prior to the public ceremony, Deborah Housen-Couriel, Director of the Wexner Israel Fellowship Program (WIFP), held a leadership learning session. The fellows reflected on their definitions of leadership and shared their hopes and aspirations

Class 25 of the Wexner Israel Fellowship has been chosen for the upcoming year at Harvard’s Kennedy School. Fellows will begin their year of studies for a Master’s degree in Public Administration this July, together with approximately 230 public sector leaders from 90 countries around the globe. Beyond the Harvard curriculum, the fellowship year will include leadership learning under the auspices of the Foundation, including: a weekly co-curricular meeting together

Last week the Wexner Israel Fellowship held its annual Alumni Institute in Haifa and had a record attendance.  Highlights included the WIF Alumni Band, featuring Dr. Itamar Offer (Class 12) on saxophone, and Tsachi Mushkin (Class 14) Band Maestro, drummer and singer. Dana Savoray, Chair of the Wexner Israel Fellowship Alumni Council (Class 17) presented the Council’s first Civil Service Innovation Prize to Gil Avriel, awarded for his plan to