Many of us work, or have worked in, toxic workplaces. These can stem from people with a lack of professional boundaries, difficult personalities, long-standing patterns of poor communication, ill-defined roles and responsibilities, or an atmosphere where gossip and rumors run unchecked. These workplaces take a toll on us psychologically and emotionally, even if we’re no longer in them. This affinity group will allow participants to share and work through some of these experiences, understand the dynamics at play, and derive lessons for the future.


How often does this group meet?

We will meet for 1 hour once a month for an initial period of 6 months. I ask that you commit to attending 4 of 6 of the monthly sessions.

Do I need to sign up, or can I drop in to meetings?

Sustained participation is requested. I ask that you commit to attending at least 4 of the 6 sessions.

If you are interested in joining, please contact Valerie Thaler

Is there a size limit for the group?

We will have a maximum of 8-10 group members

How confidential is attending and discussions?

Confidentiality is required and must be maintained for the safety of all of those in the group.

When is the first meeting?

I will send a doodle poll and announce the first call by June 18. If you are interested in being a member, please contact me directly at or 203.980.8994

What questions are new members asked, or what are the particular topics/areas of focus that will be covered in our sessions?

Please describe the most basic outline of the situation you’d like to process (e.g., I worked in a toxic environment with a controlling boss. I’d like to work on establishing more healthy dynamics in future settings).