Photo credit: Jeff Brady/NPR
I discovered Moving Traditions through our local Federation. I heard their presentation as a board member and was floored. I came up afterward and asked how I could help. The Shevet programming allows our guys (not “boys”) to set aside time for reflection on their growth in this world as young Jewish men. CEO Deborah Meyer is right on point in the piece below: we (adult volunteers) don’t teach or tell, rather we are trained to help guide a discussion for thoughtful engagement.
And my group was never more engaged than on Sunday. We touched on power, fear, empathy, and how each of those may play into this supposedly simple idea of Consent. We timed it because of current events, but it’s an incredibly important and powerful conversation that should and will continue for all young people, especially men.
NPR sat in on our discussion, and with thanks to them, I share it here with the Wexner Network.

Get To Know The Author
Cody Greenes, a Wexner Heritage Alum (Philadelphia 16), is an attorney, representing plaintiffs suffering from mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure. His Jewish identity deepened as an adult, through Moishe House, where he re-discovered the Jewish traditions his grandparents had loved and started to investigate what had been latent. He is now an active member in a variety of local Jewish organizations and institutions, including especially the National Museum of American Jewish History (NMAJH), Moishe House Philadelphia, Moving Traditions, Jews in ALL Hues and the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia.