Apr 2017
Happenings: December 2014/January 2015
David Bryfman, WGFA (Class 17), on the publication of his book Experience and Jewish Education.
Julie Finkelstein, WGFA (Class 23), and Director of MIT Hillel, on joining the Foundation for Jewish Camp as Senior Program Manager.
Michelle Fisher, WGFA (Class 10), on receiving the Richard Joel Exemplar Award at the Global Hillel Assembly.
Stephen Hazan Arnoff, WGFA (Class 13), on being named President and CEO of the Jewish Community Centers Association of North America.
Janice Kamenir-Reznik, WHA (LA/Westfield), on being named one of the 40 Women of Influence by LA Business Journal.
Roy Keidar, WIFA (Class 19), on being named CEO of Reut Mountain Movers Ltd., Israel.
Orit Kent, WGFA (Class 14), on receiving the National Jewish Book Award for her book A Philosophy of Havruta.
Netaly Ophir-Flint, WIFA (Class 24), on being named CEO of the Reut Institute, Israel.
Elana Paru, WGFA (Class 7), on being named Director of Staff Development and Training of Central Synagogue, NY.
Daniel Perla, WHA (NY 1), on joining the Foundation for Jewish Camp as VP of Program and Strategy, NY.
Rebecca Rosenthal, WGFA (Class 16), on being named Director of Youth and Family Engagement of Central Synagogue, NY.
Julie Roth, WGFA (Class 12), Executive Director of the Center for Jewish Life at Princeton University, on receiving the Innovation in Education Award at the Global Hillel Assembly.
Rachel Timoner, WGFA (Class 17), on being named Senior Rabbi of Congregation Beth Elohim, Brooklyn, NY.
Shmuly Yanklowitz, WGFA (Class 19), on the publication of his book Sparks!: Bringing Light Back Into the World.
Aliza Abrams, WFF (Class 26), on her marriage to Sam Konig.
Stacey Brown, WHA (MetroWest 08), and her husband Daniel on the birth of their daughter, Rachel Aviva.
Jeff Cohen, WHA (MetroWest 08), on the bar mitzvah of his son, David Jason.
Adam Cutler, WGFA (Class 17), and his wife Debra on the birth of a son.
Rebecca Joy Fletcher, WGFA (Class 9), on her marriage to Alan Kannof.
Rezyl Geselowitz, WGF (Class 24), and her husband Michael Pershan on the birth of their son, Yosef Emanuel, in NY.
Frayda Gonshor Cohen, WGFA (Class 20), and her husband Yonatan Cohen on the birth of a daughter.
Judy Greenberg, WGFA (Class 21), and her husband Dan on the brit milah of their son, Gavriel Hadar Hayim, in Chicago.
Menachem Hecht, WGFA (Class 18), and his wife Jenny Breitbart on the birth of a son, in NY.
Annie Lewis, WGFA (Class 20), and her husband Yosef Goldman on the birth of their daughter, Zohar Lieba, in Philadelphia.
Sara Nathan, WHA (NY 2), and her husband Joel Kazis on the marriage of their son, Josh Nathan-Kazis, to Emily Seife.
Shuli Passow, WGFA (Class 16), and David Hoffman, WGFA (Class 6), on the birth of their son, Azriel Yehuda Shaked, in NY.
Rebecca Rosenthal, WGFA (Class 16), and her husband Adam Arenson on the birth of their daughter, Madeline Rose.
Don Seeman, WGFA (Class 4), and his wife Debra on the birth of a son.
Julie Silverstein, WHA (Phoenix 09), and her husband Rustin on the birth of their son, Lev Pinhas.
Irit Waldbaum, WHA (Denver 1), and her husband Arthur on the birth of a grandson.
Melissa Weintraub, WGFA (Class 14), and her husband Eyal Rabinovitch on the birth of their son, Ariel Rahm.
Deena S. Borzak, WHA (Boca Raton 07), on the death of her father, Jack Heifetz z”l.
Rebecca Gold, WHA (MetroWest 08), on the death of her father, Philip Brody z”l.
Marshall S. Huebner, WHA (NY 1), on the death of his father, Kurt Hueber z”l.
Dan Safier, WHA (SF 00), and his wife Jackie on the death of her mother, Helen Diller z”l.
Joel Shalowitz, WHA (Baltimore 10), on the death of his father, Mannes “Manny” Shalowitz z”l.
Our condolences to the Lachman family on the death of Sol “Zalman” Lachman, z”l (WHA NY 5).
We want to hear from you! Please send your news to aatkins@wexner.net.