Wexner Israel Fellows from the current class at the Harvard Kennedy School (Class 25) spent 2 days in New York City over President’s weekend as part of a series of intensive learning about the North American Jewish Community (NAJC). The workshop included conversations on identity, peoplehood, and service with Heritage alumni from the metro area. Pictured here are some of the participants engaged in conversation at the Museum of Jewish Heritage.

“This is very simple and straightforward.  The NY seminar was extremely meaningful and thought provoking.  It enriched me and at the same time forced me to confront my beliefs and perspectives with the complicated reality facing American Jewry. I have no clear answers but the ability to ask the questions with the utmost sincerity is part of the solution. It is also a prerequisite for the ability to manage disagreements – that exist now and will inevitably continue in the future.”

Lior Bruker, WIF, Class 25

Lior serves as the Director of the Strategic Planning Department of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC). In his previous position, Lior headed the Policy Research and Analysis Office of the IAEC. Prior to joining the IAEC, he had served as a research officer (as a Major) in a variety of posts in the IDF and Military Intelligence. Lior holds an MSc in Life Sciences from the Weizmann Institute of Science and a BSc in Chemistry from Tel-Aviv University. Lior is married to Nira, an educational counselor, and they live in Modi’in where they raise their three daughters: Noa, Ma’ayan and Avi’ya. Lior can be reached at lini@netvision.net.il.


“Thanks so much for including me in the program on Sunday. Loved meeting the Israeli cohort and working with my co-amazing volunteers. “

Martine Fleishman, NY4

A Wexner Heritage alumna (NY4), Martine currently serves as the Chair of the Executive Committee of The Jewish Agency’s Project TEN: Global Tikkun Olam, which recently launched to harness the energies and passion of Jewish young adults from Israel and around the world, who spend three months working and learning together in onsite service projects in vulnerable communities throughout the world and in Israel. Martine is also chair of the Israel Education and Engagement initiative of the UJA Federation; president of Hillels of Westchester; an active member of the National Board of Governors of the American Jewish Committee (and a board member of its Westchester chapter); and a member of the Taglit-Birthright Westchester council, the MASA North American committee, and the JFNA National Campaign Cabinet. She and Stanley live in Harrison, New York with their three children.Martine can be reached at mtf@gmail.com.