Last week, the Portland Heritage Class, which graduated in 1997, got together as a group for the first time in about 15 years. We have all seen each other informally and at various communal events, even board meetings over the years, but this was the first time we gathered intentionally as Wexner alumni to think about the future of the Portland Jewish community. We also reached out to Graduate Fellowship alumni in the area, as well as Federation President and CEO Marc Blattner, and we all shared a rich conversation about where the Jewish community was doing well and places where we could still improve.

Jeff Nudelman also brought a great photo that we all took when we were on our Wexner Heritage Summer Institute in Israel. At the end of the night, we also took a current photo. What can I say?

It’s visual proof that Oregonians don’t age.

Steve “Rosy” Rosenberg, a Wexner Heritage alum (Portland) serves as the Portland Delegate to the Heritage Alumni Council and is a dedicated philanthropist, serving on numerous boards, including Chamber Music Northwest and the State Department of Environmental Quality Task Force. He also served as President of the Mittleman Jewish Community Center and the Jewish Federation of Portland, and continues to be active in both organizations. Rosy shares his time between Portland and Jerusalem with his wife, also a dedicated lay leader, Ellen Lippman. Rosy can be reached at