Our Parent Consultation Group started meeting almost 10 years ago and has evolved and adapted to our participants.  We address the needs of kids who are different in some way.  What descriptions, treatments, medications, educational environments, staffing and support might improve their outcomes?  We also discuss how parenting a child with exceptionalities affects siblings, marriages, extended families and friends.  And we talk about being Wexner fellows, work pressure, work-life balance, professional advancement and how that becomes increasingly more complicated when parenting a child with exceptionalities


How often does this group meet?

It varies.  We began with set meetings every 4-6 weeks.  Those grew to 6-8 weeks at sometimes, but during Covid, were every 1-2 weeks.  Now we often meet by request.  Urgent requests are unquestionably met with immediate attention and a group of active participants.  Urgent requests are not uncommon- perhaps a dozen times a year.  We also occasionally offer subject-based meetings and will run them with a minimal number of interested parties.  Meetings are about 1 hour.

Do I need to sign up, or can I drop in to meetings?

We boast a solid inner core of devoted participants, but always welcome drop-ins.

If you are interested in joining, please contact Nina Butler

Is there a size limit for the group?

There is no limit for this group

How confidential is attending and discussions?

Confidentiality is required and must be maintained for the group, members and families

What is the Mode of Communication or Meeting?

By far, most of our communication happens through our WhatsApp group.  Our WhatsApp Group boasts a membership of 40 fellows who pose informational, situational, and sometimes personal questions and get instantaneous responses from wise, experienced, often highly trained, and always empathetic colleagues.  The WhatsApp group is very active and sometimes takes the place of zoom meetings.  We are flexible and adapt to the interests and needs of the group

When is the first meeting?

People join us all through the year; we don’t have a ‘first call.’  We welcome people at any time.   Group Members or Wexner administrators share requests for membership.  Those requests are followed up by an introductory phone call to describe how we function and answer new member’s questions.  The new member is introduced on our WhatsApp group and most new members follow up the introduction with a personal note describing their motivation in joining us.   There is no minimal expectation of members, other than confidentiality.