Summit Seeds 2:

ATID: Becoming a Future-Focused Jewish Leader

Important Reminders

Please book your flight by January 31 for our in-person gathering. Flight Memo Linked Here.

Please also complete this Logistics Survey by January 31.


  • To develop meaningful visions for the future of the Jewish People that can guide our communal leadership
  • To learn the skills of futurism and scenario planning which can aid in wise planning and decision-making in our Jewish leadership work
  • To hone our narratives about the futures we wish to see for the Jewish People and cultivate our roles in bringing those narratives to life.

The Topic

The Jewish past is long and illustrious. At the same time, our tradition teaches that those who exercise leadership must not only responsibly address the needs of the moment but must also develop visionary and aspirational strategies for our future. The past year has revealed to us in stark terms the need to be prepared for an uncertain path ahead, buffeted by a world that is changing at a dizzying pace.

We find ourselves asking: As leaders, how can we continue to imagine, shape and steward the futures that we want to be a part of, rather than just reacting, responding and defending?

Practices of strategic foresight, scenario planning, and speculative world building are more than just games or fantasies. They constitute new leadership skills that help us interrogate and assess our current reality, proactively learn from unfolding patterns and emerging trends, and fuel bold imagination and hopeful optimism.


We are excited to be engaging Lisa Kay Solomon, an expert in the topic from the Stanford Design School and who has taught for WHP: Futurist in Residence, Stanford; LinkedIN learning, Leading like a Futurist ; Host, The Futures Happening and Futures Series; Creator, Vote by; Author, Moments of Impact: How to Design Strategic Conversations that Accelerate ChangeDesign A Better Business

Participant Bio Book

When will the program take place?

Zooms will take place at 12pm ET/ 9am PT / 7pm IT on the following dates:

  • January 14
  • January 28
  • February 18
  • March 4

In-person: March 30-31, 2025 in Columbus, OH

Session 1

Join the Zoom, at 12pm ET/ 9am PT / 7pm IT on January 14.


Post-Zoom Reading:


  • Set up a Futures Portfolio for your ongoing reflections and homework

  • Identify at least 3-5 high impact external forces shaping the future of the Jewish community (either globally or in your community)

  • Start to think about a topic area/ project that you might want to apply this in your community

  • Write a letter to your future self using

  • 6 word memoir to share next time

Session 2

Join the Zoom, at 12pm ET/ 9am PT / 7pm IT on January 28.

Slides from Session 2


  • Set up a Futures Portfolio for your ongoing reflections and homework
  • Identify at least 3-5 high impact external forces shaping the future of the Jewish community (either globally or in your community)
  • Start to think about a topic area/ project that you might want to apply this in your community
  • Write a letter to your future self using
  • 6 word memoir to share next time

Work for Session 3


Homework and Reflections-

  • Reflect on your “Image of the Future” and what/who informs that image.
  • Consider doing more Futures Wheels to explore how more driving forces might play out. What are the implications for your community?
  • As a result of visiting more futures, what are you going to track or research more closely?

Session 3

Join the Zoom, at 12pm ET/ 9am PT / 7pm IT on February 18.



Homework and Reflections-

  • Reflect on your “Image of the Future” and what/who informs that image.
  • Consider doing more Futures Wheels to explore how more driving forces might play out. What are the implications for your community?
  • As a result of visiting more futures, what are you going to track or research more closely?

Session 4

Join the Zoom, at 12pm ET/ 9am PT / 7pm IT on March 4.



[Optional for more on scenario planning] 

Homework and Reflections-

  • Please take a few minutes to ponder and contribute your thoughts to the 4th and 5th questions on the GoogleDocs scenarios—this is where the imagination exercise translates into actions we might take in the real world. We will begin our next call by reflecting together on these questions. The links to the documents and a reminder of who was in which groups are listed below.

Group 1:, Darren, Eyal, Hallie, Justin, Shira, Yoni

Group 2: , Efrat, Michael, Samara, Sarah, Zev

Group 3:, Ari, Brian, Maital, Marc, Mark, Ray

Group 4:, Etta, Jeffrey, Jericho, Richard, Wendy, Avichai


Post-Zoom reading:

Session 5: In-Person

Post Session 4 reading:


Summit Seeds Overview

Who will participate?

Summit Seeds will bring together up to 25 alumni of The Wexner Foundation’s initiatives for volunteer leaders in the North American Jewish Community, professional leaders in the North American Jewish Community, and leaders in Israel’s public service.

What is the commitment?

Summit Seeds participants will commit to participate in four Zoom calls of 90 minutes each. These conversations will entail building connections and trust among group members, exploring the topic at hand, and pursuing possible connections to work together on addressing the topic moving forward.

By the end of the fourth call, members of the group will prepare to meet in person to dig more deeply into possible collaborations or partnerships to deepen their work on the topic.

The meeting will be a day-long gathering at The Wexner Foundation’s headquarters in Columbus, OH. Participants will cover their own travel expenses up to $500; The Wexner Foundation will cover all additional expenses.

Wexner Summits: The Network In Action  is a platform for Alumni of all Wexner leadership initiatives to connect, learn and collaborate across our network. Through Summits, Wexner Alumni are exercising leadership by strategizing and stacking hands to take action that moves the needle on the key challenges facing the North American Jewish Community and the State of Israel. As with all Wexner Summits, regardless of topic, an additional purpose is to connect Wexner Alumni to other extraordinary leaders across the Jewish world and Israel, drawing wisdom, insight and new collaborative possibilities from our network.  

To date there have been six Wexner Summits fostering substantive action:

  • (Re)Imagining the Israel-North American Jewish Community Relationship (launched 2016)
  • Social Justice (launched 2016)
  • Civil Discourse (launched 2017)
  • Accelerator – for those robust projects from the first 3 Summits electing to continue after their obligatory year of work (launched 2019)
  • Gender Safety and Equity (launched 2019)
  • Leadership Skills (launched 2020)
  • Climate of Change (launched 2021)