Changing jobs within a defined field can be tough enough; redirecting one’s entire career is a next-level challenge.  Some skills and sensitivities transfer smoothly, while others require renewal or replacement.  The particulars will vary, but the experience of “crossing over” or “switching lanes” is itself worth unpacking.  Those in the midst of such a fundamental transition, or who are contemplating one, can gather here to swap strategies stories, practices, and perspectives – and to support each other on our journeys into the professional unknown.


How often does this group meet?

We’ll start with three monthly hour-long sessions, then take it from there

Do I need to sign up, or can I drop in to meetings?

It’s a drop-in, initially at least.

If you are interested in joining or dropping in, please contact Fred Scherlinder Dobb.

Is there a size limit for the group?

No size limit, though spinoffs are possible if multiple groupings emerge

How confidential is attending and discussions?

Confidentiality must be a given, so we can speak and share freely

When is the first meeting?

For starters, let’s try 1:00-2:00pm ET on Thurs 7/18, Wed 8/21, and Tues 9/17 – and if different times or days would make a difference for you, please let me know (

What questions are new members asked, or what are the particular topics/areas of focus that will be covered in our sessions?

Initial questions will include “where are you in your lane-switching,” “what insights have you gleaned so far from the process,” and “what help or perspective might you seek for the next steps on your journey”?