The 4th cohort of Wexner Senior Leaders is now at the Harvard Kennedy School for a month of intensive executive training, focused on collaborative change leadership.  The 43 cohort members join a network of 121 Senior Leaders who have completed the program over the past three years.

The Israeli public-sector leaders carefully selected for the program almost invariably belong to the top tier of management — those reporting directly to the head of the organization or ministry.  They are the professionals who make the day-to-day decisions that keep government working, and who are responsible for implementing government policy.

The current cohort, just like previous ones, represents a broad spectrum of the public sector — from key government ministries responsible for the economy, defense, law enforcement and health, to government owned corporations, public utilities and local government.  The Wexner Senior Leader Network’s strength lies in the diversity of organizations represented within it.

We welcome the 43 Wexner Senior Leaders of 2018:

•    Nurit Eitan-Felter, Electricity Regulatory Authority, Director of Strategy, International Relations and Communications
•    Isaac Blumenthal, Ashdod Port, CEO
•    Gideon Landa, Israel Aerospace Industry (IAI), CEO “Marom” Airborne and Early Warning Systems
•    Amit Oberkovich, Israel Electric Corporation, Deputy Director General for Planning and HR
•    Keren Aslan, Israel Rail, CFO
•    Yuval Miller, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Director of Missile Division
•    Eli Cohen, HMO Clalit Health Services, CFO
•    Dr. Gil Zalsman, Clalit Health Services, CEO Geha Mental Health Hospital
•    Eitan Schleifer, Clalit Health Services, CEO “Shela” Medical Services Clinics
•    Keren Azulay, Maccabi Healthcare Services, Director of Southern District
•    Brig. Gen. Itai Veruv, IDF, Chief of Staff, Ground Forces Command
•    Brig. Gen. Merav Kirshner, IDF, Chief of Staff, GHQ HR Branch
•    Eran Reuveni, Israel Land Authority, Director of Southern District
•    Brig. Gen. Nir Rosenthal, Israel Police, Aviation Fleet Commander
•    Brig. Gen. Einat Gil-Tzuberi, Israel Police, Commander, Security and Licensing
•    Michal Barak Nevo, Judicial Authority, Justice, Central District Court
•    Abira Ashkeloni, Judicial Authority, President, Southern District Magistrates Courts
•    Muhammed Shameyeh, Knesset , Director of Coordination
•    Paul Friedberg, Ministry of Defense, Deputy Director – Foreign Exports
•    Yuval Raz, Ministry of Finance/Accountant General, Deputy Accountant General
•    Ofer Margalit, Ministry of Finance/Budgets, Deputy Director of Budgets
•    Yoav Gaffni, Ministry of Finance/Capital Markets, Deputy Director, Capital Markets
•    Asaf Michaeli, Ministry of Finance/Capital Markets, Deputy Director, Capital Markets
•    Dikla Persiko, Ministry of Finance/Planning Authority, Director, Fast-Track Planning and Local Authorities Committees
•    Rodica Radian-Gordon, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Director General, Head of European Division
•    Dr. Mickey (Moshe) Dudkiewicz, Ministry of Health, CEO Hillel Yaffe Medical Center
•    Dr. Dorit Tekes-Manova, CEO Assuta Hospital
•    Dr. Yuval Melamed, Ministry of Health, CEO Abarbanel Mental Health Hospital
•    Kemel Mulla, Ministry of Justice, Director, Druze Religious Courts
•    Ronen Shapira, Ministry of Justice, Senior Deputy Director General for HR
•    Shirley Englard, Ministry of Justice, District Attorney (Civil Affairs) – Central District
•    Anat Meyassed- Cnaan, Ministry of Justice, Public Defender – Haifa District
•    Eyal Globus, Ministry of Justice, Registrar of Corporations
•    Liat Glazer, Ministry of Strategic Affairs, Chief Legal Advisor
•    Keren Shefer, Ministry of Tourism, Senior Director of Budgets
•    Michal Raikin, Ministry of Interior, Director of Local Government Cadets’ Program
•    Michal Hirsch Negri, Municipality of Ra’anana, CEO
•    Shahar Bracha, Prime Minister’s Office, Director of Planning and Strategy, Government ICT Authority
•    Omri Arieli, Prime Minister’s Office, Deputy Director, International Projects Division
•    Lior Heiman, Prime Minister’s Office, Director of Special Projects
•    Roni Levy, Prime Minister’s Office, Director of Development
•    Ami (Emanuel) Magen, Prime Minister’s Office, Deputy Director, HQ Division
•    Neomi Neumann, Prime Minister’s Office, Director of Research and Analysis