As always, the recent Wexner Alumni Network Gathering — in San Francisco on December 8, “Unleashing Creativity, Fostering Motivation” — was spectacular. And, in between thought-provoking presentations in the morning and the afternoon, we had the opportunity to split up into small groups to discuss our particular Jewish interests and issues. Since completing a recent stint as synagogue president, I have been looking for my next Jewish gig – and I know that I want to commit my time and money to the State of Israel. But, having tested the waters in both AIPAC and the New Israel Fund and having run into extreme views on both the right and the left, I asked people to join me last Sunday to talk about a new direction for talking about — and working for — the betterment of the State of Israel. Currently, for lack of a better name, call us “Centrists for Israel.” I am seeking Jews who are knowledgeable about Israel, able to see the many sides of the issues facing the State of Israel today, and looking for new avenues to work with Israel in a constructive and non-dogmatic way. Notwithstanding all the noise on the extremes, I believe that the vast majority of Jews falls into my camp, eager to participate but lacking an effective platform from which to make our voices heard. I know that this centrist approach is not novel or unique to American Jewry — but, perhaps, it is an approach whose time has come, a time where the “silenced majority” is ready to reinvigorate — and redirect — the American Jewish debate around Israel. If you are interested in further exploring this idea, please contact me at
Charlotte Salomon, a Wexner Heritage Alumna from the Oakland Class, has twice chaired the annual campaign of the Jewish Federation of the Greater East Bay, served as President of her synagogue, founded a Pleasanton-based firm called LawTech in 1992, and is the mother of three. Charlotte can be reached at