The Wexner Foundation’s next
Conference Call:
with Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Wednesday, April 2nd at 12 noon, EST / 7pm Israel time
“What Does This Avodah Mean To You?”
Exclusively for our constituents: an in-depth look at the Rasha (the Wicked Child) in the Haggadah, and its lessons for pedagogy, inclusiveness, and community building in our Jewish world today.
Rabbi Sacks will initially discuss a text (we will email to you when you RSVP) for 20 minutes, and then open the forum for questions.
For dial-in information please contact Erika Stiel. This call will be recorded for play back listening.
Please also note other upcoming learning options, available to our members, fellows, and alumni:
Live-Streamed for Remote Participation:
NY Lunch & Learns
Monday, March 24th, 12:30pm – 1:45 ET
“Redreaming Eretz Israel – A Window Into Contemporary Zionism” a Lunch & Learn in the New York City Office with Rabbi Tamar Elad Appelbaum. This will be live streamed.
For more information on these events and to RSVP, please contact Erika Stiel.
Shabbaton for Wexner Heritage Alumni
ImaginAction After Pew: What’s Working, What’s Possible
July 11 thru 13th, Snowbird, Utah
a Shabbaton with menuchah, music, study, and joy; and follow up learning and action steps.
**Arna Poupko Fisher**
**Rabbi Noa Kushner**
**Josh Nelson**
**Rabbi Jonah Pesner**
**Dr. Noam Pianko**
For more information and to register,