Back row L to R:
Jill Deutch (WGF 2), Ari Gauss (WGF 13), Seth Goren (WGF 16), Charlie Schwartz (WGF 18), Dan Ross (WGF 27), Carine Warsawski (WGF 27), Mark Young (WFF 1), Aaron Lerner (WGF 22), Megan GoldMarche (WGF 22), Adena Kirstein (WGF 19)
Front row L to R
Esther Reed (WGF 9), Isabel de Koninck (WGF 17), Michelle Fisher (WGF 10), Sarita Bronstein (WHP, Palo Alto 03), Sheila Katz (WGF 26/WFF), Lauren Schuchart (WGF 26), Tilly Shames (WGF 28/WFF), Julie Finkelstein (WGF 23)
“I think this was the first time that we gathered as a group of Wexners at HIGA. We had a very boisterous and friendly breakfast with some fun inter-class rivalry about who has the best class and whose class has become the most famous. For me as a Class 10 alum, it was also great to meet some of the newer Wexners serving in the Hillel world. Looking at this picture, I smile as I see many of the people I often seek out for conversation and advice – and know the others pictured will also soon be on my short list.”
Wexner Graduate Alum Rabbi Michelle Fisher (Class 10) is the Executive Director of MIT Hillel, is the first alumna rabbi from MIT.
“It’s always a pleasure to reconnect with old friends or to meet Wexner alumni of all sorts for the first time. At last week’s Hillel International Global Assembly, about a dozen of us gathered for breakfast on the conference’s last day, sharing bagels, lox and laughs, and wondering what it might be like if HIGA had closing-night beit cafe skits.”
Wexner Graduate Alum Rabbi Seth Goren (Class 16) is the Vice President, Education and Engagement for Hillel Ontario.
“Having just returned from being in community with over 1,200 Hillel professionals and leaders at Hillel International’s Global Assembly, I’m still processing the experience of learning, connecting and growing with so many people. My main takeaway so far, in addition to some hearing some deep words of Torah, is what an incredible job Hillel is doing hiring talented educators and leaders. Everywhere I turned were friends, colleagues, and teachers from whom I draw inspiration and who are doing powerful and meaningful work on campuses around the world. And of course, alumni from almost all of the Wexner Foundation’s programs were present (some of whom are pictured above!) serving as agents for change, models of adaptive leadership and, provocateurs for the Jewish future.”

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Wexner Graduate Alum Rabbi Charlie Schwartz (Class 18) is the Director of Content Development, The Center for Jewish and Israel Education, Hillel International.