The Wexner Foundation created a three-part study series called the Joshua Series. These videos are approximately 18 minutes each, and feature three of our Wexner Graduate Fellowship Alumni (WGFA), leading teachers of Torah, who developed the texts and speak on the videos.
The first part is on Sukkot, with WGFA (Class 10) and Heritage Faculty Member, Rabbi Jan Uhrbach:
“As we emerge from the intensity of the High Holy Days, Rav Kook
reminds us that Sukkot is a good time to focus on the particular
need to balance the demands of our work as Jewish leaders
(whether as leaders within an organization, or simply as “leaders”
of our own lives and souls) with the restorative power of joy.”
We hope you might gather in a sukkah, perhaps this Sunday, with fellow Wexner Members, Fellows or Alumni, read aloud the source materials, then watch the video, and then discuss the guided questions about your responsibilities and goals within your Jewish Community. If you do, take a photo and send it in. Otherwise, feel free to watch the video or download the source sheets any time.
Please click here to access the sukkot source materials.
Please click here to access the video.